Monday, January 10, 2022

foldable solar panels

I have downloaded a picture of two cyclists, old and young, having a chat by chance on the road along the cliff, and every time I see this impressive photo, I always get a big thrill with a gust of excitement overwhelming me. 
You don't know how much an oldie like me longing for his last adventure on wheels.

Do you think I need a set of solar panels attached to the bicycle like that? Perhaps yes, (hmmm) or maybe not? I have no answer because it depends on the country and the terrain I am riding. Australia and New Zealand are likely. But other than those, sometimes it is needless. 
foldable solar panels - ภาพจากอินเทอร์เน็ต ขอขอบคุณ

Nevertheless, a heavy-loaded bicycle used by the old cyclist riding nomadically under the hot sun along the challenging road and across the vast country would be suitable for travel the world indeed.
To me, on top of the erupting volcano, the departure of an old traveler who has left just only a fountain pen and journals behind would be one of choice. 
ราคาจำหน่ายในร้านค้าออนไลน์ประมาณ ๖๐๐ บาทครับ...

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