Friday, June 02, 2023

Paddling Down the Darling

Rewarding myself, I bought a new ebook, Paddling Down the Darling, by the Australian writer Tony Pritchard, from Amazon.

Cost me only $0.99...It was dirt cheap compared to a bottle of expensive wine.
Indeed I was such a miser who never changed. HAHA! 

Tony Pritchard wrote that in 1976 he drifted over a thousand miles down the Darling River in western New South Wales in a ten-foot boat without motor or oars, and the trip took around eighteen months. He went fishing and birdwatching, stopped at towns to do station work, met some people, and all the while looked for adventure and answers to questions about life.

Beforehand, I should know a bit about Darling River. The Wikipedia Search told me it is the third-longest river in Australia, measuring 1,472 kilometers from northern New South Wales to its confluence with the Murray River at Wentworth, New South Wales. In Australia, the contiguous tributaries are 2,844 km long, making it the most comprehensive river system and the outback's most famous waterway.

Darling River - from Wikipedia (Thanks a lot)

I skimmed through Google Maps pictures before enjoying the new adventurous story.

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